Ein Sprung ins UnbekannteWeiterlesen
->>Materialien: Wasserfarben, Buntstifte
->>Größe: A3
->>Fertiggestellt: 3.11.2013
There comes a time
when you have to leave all behind:
your faith, your home, your friends,…
My faith wasn’t true,
because there is no truth.
Everything is just an opinion,
every fact is a perspective.
My home should be a place,
where I feel save all time.
So my house isn’t my home.
My home…is myself, my body,
my soul.
My friends left me alone,
in my darkest hour.
Thank you.
This time I have to deal with it myself.
Hope isn’t lost,
I just have to dare the leap,
the leap into the unknown.
I don’t know where it will lead me,
I just know, that this is my way
and that I’ll never be alone,
the astral spirits are always with me.